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Spiritual Energy Transforming Relationships through Conscious Evolution and Healing from Past Traumas

Relationship Ressources. Heart_001

Relationship Toolkit

In this section, you will find some information that will raise your awareness about the challenges currently playing in your relationship.

I will keep adding to the this section from time to time...so keep watching this space!

REMINDER: Remember to avoid blaming your partner. Two people creates a system or a dance and each of you participates to that dance so the focus is on changing the stance of one of the partners...that in itself will trigger a shift in the other partner! Working with both partners will create the change even faster...

I hope this information does help you to give you a little bit more clarity:

  • Emotional cycle of the love addict (anxious attachment) and hte love avoidant (avoidant attachment) - Click Here

  • Marks of a healthy relationship - Click Here

  • The Drama Triangle - Click Here

  • click
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