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Spiritual Energy Transforming Relationships through Conscious Evolution and Healing from Past Traumas

Clearing around Love and relationships. Heart_001

Clearing around love - APRIL OFFER

We all need more LOVE. The world needs more LOVE. How can we increase the flow of LOVE (Light) in our lives?

Let me summarise how this works:

See yourself as a vessel (well, at least your physical body is) and connect with the idea that to enjoy love and light you need to create an open circult that goes from the Creator (Universe, Spirit etc.) through to your soul and then into your physical body but here is the KEY: The more we express and share love, the more we receive it!!!

So with this in mind, I have created a FULL SOUL CLEARING FOCUSSED exclusively on LOVE and what could be blocking your vessel to either receive it or to give it. The giving we are looking for is giving/sharing without an a personal agenda to receive something back because that's giving and it will short-circuit the flow.

The FULL SOUL CLEARING ON LOVE will look at questions around your connection to Love, self love, self worth, separation from spirit, whether there are trapped emotions in your heart or any other organs etc.

April offer: £95 (instead of £190)

To book: Send me a quick email either via the contact form or directly to my email at spiritualenergy999@gmail.com.

Can't wait to detox your heart and soul for the new cosmic year!

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