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Spiritual Energy Transforming Relationships through Conscious Evolution and Healing from Past Traumas

Money & Financial Abundance. webinar Unlock financial abundance

Clearing around money and financial abundance - JUNE OFFER

See yourself as a vessel for the Light/God/Spirit/the Universe. Sometimes that vessel has been damaged or is blocked through past traumas, past lives, limiting beliefs etc...

This clearing aims at removing what is blocking the flow of Light through you in the area of money and abundance and cover the following areas:

  • Soul clearing on Financial abundance and money. This clearing covers the following areas:
  • Money
  • Ability to receive unconditionally
  • Ability to give unconditionally (sharing without agenda)
  • Current level of self worth
  • Any block to the flow of abundance in life?
  • Energies around false belief “I am not enough”
  • Energies around belief “I am enough”
  • Energies around false belief “there is not enough”
  • Energies around belief “there is enough”
  • Specific archetypes involved in the area of money and finances
  • Past karmic (financial debts) in past lives

    and much more...

    Cost: £100 (instead of £200)

    To book: Send me an email via the contact for or directly to my email address spiritualenergy999@gmail.com.

    Remember that you might live in East Sussex, Kent or London, this work is for you as the clearings are all done remotely and the follow up session is on Zoom.

    You are welcome to reach out wherever you live in the world, if you speak English fluently.

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