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Spiritual Energy Transforming Relationships through Conscious Evolution and Healing from Past Traumas

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We all get stuck in our lives at some point. Don't feel any shame. This is a good sign even if it doesn't feel like it at the time! Your soul is calling you to grow and go higher.

The biggest transformations come from difficult relationships. Relationship issues are the gateway to your spiritual transformation which is the purpose of life !

Allow me to show you how ride the wave and transform to a stronger, wiser and calmer you, filled with joy, love, confidence and abundance.

Let me share with you my unique 3 steps approach that will free you from the past quickly and permanently!

If you want to receive your unique plan, schedule a free call with me Here

Home. The Hero

Imagine your life as a movie.

You are the main actor AND (which we often do not realise or forget) the director and the script writer...

"Life doesn't happent to you but FOR you" (Rav & Karen Berg - kabbalah.com)

This means that, despite what has happened or how you might feel right now, you can change the script and the course of the movie at any time.

Let's rewrite the script together so you can enjoy your happy ending!

Home. The Guide


In every story, there is a guide (me assisted by the Light) on the side of the road to help you overcome the challenges chosen by your soul.

Your challenges might look like repeated breakups, difficult relationships with your children/loved ones because of a new partner, financial losses and chaos, non stop dramas, constant anxiety of being cheated on etc...

Why would you choose me as your guide?As a Kabbalah student, I strive to make the Light my partner and my guide and I have been on my own ourney for the past 15 years as a "love addict" (now in recovery) and a healer and therapist.

I have walked every step of the way back towards my essence & the Light. You are in safe hands. I will always hold you without judgement and will share the relevant parts of my journey to keep you out of shame.

With you in mind, I have created a programme that leads to quick and permanent shifts using the tools that not only worked for me and also for those courageous men and women who went through it.

To check their testimonials click

Home. The Villain


The current villains are all the unhealed men and women who have instigated so many heartbreaks, stress and pain in your life through their unconscious actions.

The pattern of attracting unavailable, avoidant, selfish men and women will be broken and lead you to putting your relationship with the Light, yourself and loved ones first, creating a new "vessel" (YOU) to receive all of your blessings.

Don't be mistaken these courageous souls (the ones who have agreed to break your heart, to steal from you, betray you) are part of your soul family. They have accepted these thankless tasks to help you grow!

Home. plan to defeat the villain


Success can take different forms in the physical world.

Every man and woman, I have worked with, have enjoyed reduced anxiety, grounding in their truth, increased clarity around their vision, and their needs and wants, ability to express these needs, stronger boundaries, release from the fear of abandonment and intimacy, increased capacity to communicate clearly, ability to create space for the relationship to evolve without control, increased acceptance of themselves and the other, release of chaos, dramas etc...

...all of this leading to a closer relationship to the Light, an increased sense of purpose, more time and space for sharing and creating!

How does that sound? This is YOUR SCRIPT, give yourself permission to THINK BIG!

Let me show you how. Click Here to book a 20 minutes call

Home. Avoid Failure picture


3 steps plan:

1) Clear the past lives: past traumas, karmic debts, contracts, curses etc.
2) Clear relational traumas from this life: childhood and past romantic relationships
3) Raise your consciousness and awareness on how to identify, attract and keep the ONE, when directed by the Light.


Book a Discovery call, by clicking Here

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